
MWG has 3 brands in the Top Retail Brands of 2024

Ngày đăng: 15/03/2024 Lượt xem: 372

MWG is honored to have 3 brands ranked in the Top 10 Best Retail Rankings 2024 by Decision Lab.

The Decision Lab Best Retail Rankings 2024 are calculated using data collected from YouGov's online panel in Vietnam daily from the flagship YouGov BrandIndex solution.

All 3 brands under MWG, namely The Gioi Di Dong, Dien May Xanh, and Bach Hoa Xanh, are within the Top 5 of the Best Retail Brands Rankings for 2024. According to this statistic, The Gioi Di Dong and Dien May Xanh maintained their leading positions in the rankings, scoring 32 and 28.1, respectively. Bach Hoa Xanh has seen a substantial increase, rising to the fifth position with a score of 19.1.

Decision Lab also announced the Top 5 Most Significant Improvement Brands. While supermarket chains and grocery stores are experiencing a decline in the Index, Bach Hoa Xanh is recognized with an impressive increase of 4.9 points, leading the growth ranking.

Through Decision Lab's rankings, it is evident that MWG continues to assert its strength in the retail market, surpassing the unpredictable economic situation of the previous year. In 2023, MWG achieved consolidated revenue of over 118 trillion VND, maintaining 89% of the revenue from 2022 and fulfilling 88% of the 2023 plan. The company recorded a net profit of 168 billion VND.

In 2024, MWG aims for revenue of 125 trillion VND and a post-tax profit of 2.4 trillion VND, representing a 5% increase and a 14-fold increase, respectively, compared to last year. During a recent investor meeting, Mr. Nguyen Duc Tai - Chairman of MWG's Board of Directors, mentioned that the target of 2.4 trillion VND in profit is moderate.